Edmonton Artist | Laurel Hawkswell | edmonton.art@gmail.com | @hilaurel

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Face Painting at Community League Winter Fun Day

Young girl with Face Painting - Edmonton
Today was my 3rd or 4th annual face painting job at Belvedere Community League’s Winter Family Fun Day.

 They do such a great event with face painting (of course), a spaghetti lunch and lots of outdoor activities. It as a nice warm winter day in Edmonton for it. I’ve been impressed with a good showing of people at their annual event no matter what the weather. Neat to recognise some of the kids and to see them growing up just a bit more each time I come back!

Caricatures at The Ranch

I drew caricatures at The Ranch on Family Day for the staff Christmas Party for several Edmonton bars.

Here is one caricature of a couple girls.

Staff at The Ranch

There were a couple girls who came to say hello to me and they were impressed that I recognised them
from drawing them a couple years ago! I tell ya, once I draw you, I pretty much have your face ingrained in my head for a long time!

I was pleasantly surprised that they played some retro music that I knew well and throughout the night
the music wasn't half as loud as I thought it'd be. I survived well!

I was really impressed how people were respectful of my sign saying when I was done. That was a first. Like I said, I was impressed and shocked! A big thank you to them all!

I would love to draw for them again next year.

Girl's Birthday Party - Caricatures

Isn't this the cutest birthday girl! I drew her and her friends today. Her mom was giving their caricatures in their loot bags. It was nice to be a part of her party and meet her parents. A nice family!

Birthday girl with her Caricature

Valentine's Day caricatures at The Muttart

I had a great time tonight drawing caricatures at the Muttart! I was set up in the Feature pyramid which was decorated up for Chinese New Year. A beautiful spot! It played tricks with my eyes a bit though
because the lights kept rotating through different colours. Some colours worked well to see the people I was drawing. Other's, not so much! But I survived. Next time, if I'm fortunate enough to be asked back, I would bring one more light of my own. But that's just a little detail - I guess it kept me on my toes!

It being Valentine's Day, it was a night where it was totally fitting to ask people some questions while I was drawing them. Questions like, "How did you two meet?" and "How long have you been together?"

One lady recognised my self portrait cartoon that was on my sign from Facebook. Her friend is also my friend. So we thought it'd be neat for her to say, "Hey Lisa, look what I got last night!"

Another woman introduced herself to me as someone I've done some caricature work for in the past but have only corresponded with through emails. Too bad I was too busy to really chat with her.

Looking forward to bringing my Grandma to the Muttart soon. An afternoon of strolling the pyramids and a nice lunch in their cafe!

caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell

Edmonton Caricatures

I spent the afternoon drawing at Holt Renfrew. It was great to be asked back since my last time there just before Christmas. It was neat to draw this lady because she was visiting Canada from Shanghai. She said that was her 10th caricature she’s had done. She collects them! I hope that mine can be among her favourite. I made sure to add a maple leaf of course!

I drew a lot of caricatures from photos on people’s phones so that they could give a caricature to their boyfriend or girlfriend. I added some subtle hearts along the bottom of their caricatures to add to the whole “Valentine’s” theme at Holt Renfrew.

The staff were really friendly once again. One of the ladies working there part time is someone I’d drawn at a food trade show late last year! I recognised her right away - in fact, I loved her caricature so much that it’s one of the ones that I’ve posted on my blog!

So, you see the board of examples in behind this lady in the photo …. there’s probably 11 photos on it. A few of the staff recognised one of the people as someone who used to work there! And then a young girl who was in the store recognised a girl in one of the photos! Really, what are the chances of that? What a fluke. Seriously, Edmonton isn’t that small of a city!

I enjoyed my day at Holt Renfrew and would be more than happy to go back. It’s got a cool vibe to it and I loved the quality food at the little cafe on the main floor of the same building.

caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell

Staff gift idea

Wanting to give your staff a little extra something? Thank you, milestone, project work…. how about a caricature!

Tell me what they are all about and I can add it in.

caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell

collection of my art samples

My Picasa photos exported to a youtube video.   A collection of my art samples

Caricatures at a Surprise Birthday Party

I enjoyed being part of the surprise this evening for a Birthday Party. Me and Karaoke and a whole bunch of friends and family! Here are a few of the caricatures I did over the evening.

Someone mentioned that "it's like you can see into our soul!" I took that as quite a compliment. I do try to get a feel for what the person is like and express that in the caricature.

Ya know it never gets old for me to have people eager to sit down for a caricature. Oh my, the amount of people I've met over the years!