When I was taking photos of a bunch of tulips to do a commissioned painting, I took approximately 60 - 70 photos of the colour of tulips she chose until I came up with two photos where I loved the composition. Susan chose the photo where the flowers were wide open, looking very summer-ish. I knew that at some point I wanted to paint the other photo.
I wanted a painting to take with me on the train to Jasper, being part of the ARTIST ON RAILS promotion. I didn't manage to get it finished before hand but was able to bring it along with me to work on when I wasn't busy drawing caricatures. Had just a bit left to do on it when I got back. Yup, it's done.
It looks great on my mantel but as usual, since I picked art as my living, I must put it up for sale.
If you're interested, you can borrow it to see if it fits in your home well. Until then, I will simply enjoy it till it has a new home!
The size is 24 inches X 30 inches. For sale for $400.
The colour in this photo of the painting is pretty close to being the painting's true colours. Love our new camera!