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Caricatures at University of Alberta Business Graduation

I had a blast drawing caricatures at the UofA’s Business student’s graduation held at The Delta Edmonton Centre Suite Hotel ! Met a lot of up and coming business men and women who were great to talk to while I drew them. The atmosphere was great … I wonder if it had anything to do with being set up in the entrance way along with the bar? Hmmm?! Take a look at all these great faces…

I hope these caricatures are a keepsake of their evening and this special time in their lives.

UAlberta caricatures
UofA caricatures

UAlberta caricatures
UofA caricatures

UAlberta caricatures
UAlberta caricatures

UAlberta caricatures
UofA caricatures

UAlberta caricatures
UAlberta caricatures

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Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell