Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Celebrating Fathers Day

Yesterday's event was a lot of fun.  Celebrating Fathers Day at the John Janzen Nature Centre drawing caricatures for dads and their kids.

Just before I set up for the event I got a twitter (@hilaurel) message that someone was definitely going to come down to the event that day. So, a couple hours into drawing one lady who's turn it was, said to me, "I have to tell you, I follow you on twitter and I'm a big fan of yours." I asked her her twitter name. Yup, her's was the message I'd read. Her family was wonderful and I so enjoyed chatting with them while I drew them. I joked with her that I wish she hadn't told me she was a big fan until AFTER I finished drawing her, that she'd put extra pressure on me! I also found out that her and her husband used to do a radio show in Edmonton that I had listened to. It was strange listening to them talk when their voices were so familiar to me!

Here are some of the caricatures that made me smile, including a photo of Jamie and Dan who I just talked about ...

A Boy with his caricature

Girl holds up her caricature drawing

Fathers Day caricature

Edmonton Artist Laurel with Jamie and her caricature

Jamie and Dan show us their caricature

Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell