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Caricatures at the Misericordia Hospital's 150 Year Celebration

I had some great people (and their faces!) to draw at the Misericordia Hospital’s (Caritas Health Group)150 Year Celebration. It was really interesting asking each person about their job in the hospital. I get woozy at the sight of blood so, I’m in awe of those who care for all if we need the hospital! 

One lady, while waiting in line, was being teased about combing her hair in different ways in preparation for her caricature. She said that she was going to hang the caricature over her fireplace. Small detail: she just needed to get a fireplace. That’s an example of some of the fun I had!

I’ve also discovered that it’s really nice to have extra chairs lined up for the people waiting in line. You don’t have to have many, just a few extra. It makes things more cozy and relaxing for them. 

At the hospital, drawing in the Garden Cafe, the person who was being drawn, got to sit in these ultra comfortable lounging chairs. Another bonus!

I think this was my 4th or 5th event drawing at the Misericordia and I so enjoy being invited back each time.

Woman at Misericordia with her caricature

Great smile in this caricature

Woman with her caricature at the Misericordia

I had a fun time drawing her caricature

love her smile in her caricature

I liked her reaction to seeing her caricature!

a great simile captured in a caricature

Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell