Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Caricatures at a Birthday Celebration

I had a great night drawing caricatures at a birthday party. The women wore absolutely gorgeous saris, even the little girls! They had a group of Chinese Dancers come in to perform, Choo Choo the Clown, me doing caricatures and Cosmin Danila taking photos (which I can't wait to see!). I'm not quite sure what else they may have had BEFORE all the above mentioned showed up.

This little girl was adorable. I wasn't sure if her hair was supposed to be this style or if a bunch of it on the one side had fallen out of a braid or barrett. Either way, it was so cute.

And this group of 4 guys I drew were awesome! Nice … and … awesome. One of the guys said he was going to frame it. Another one of the guys said to me, "This is great, it's something that everybody should do at least once in their lifetime." He's right!

group of 4 guys I drew were awesome
This little girl was adorable

Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell