Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Face Painting for Fraser Community League

Fraser Community League (NE Edmonton, Alberta) asked me to face paint for their community event. They had food and lots of games for the kids … as well as me face painting! 

This little guy loved his tiger face paint! He would come back every once in awhile to take a look at himself in my hand mirror. I would know each time because he would also growl as he looked at his face! Sure makes you smile when you know that someone likes what you painted for them that much.

They had a group of teenage girls volunteering and right near the end they came over to get some face painting. So they decided they wanted their legs done. I think seeing all of them here is pretty neat. I was glad to be able to do something cool for volunteers.

Body paint on girls leg at family picnic
This little guy loved his tiger face paint!
Teen girl with body paint on her leg
teen girl with flowers and swirls for bodypainting 
Teenage girl with bodyart painting at Edmonton Community League Event