Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Caricatures at Snow Valley's Christmas Staff Party

It was great to be back once again, to Edmonton Snow Valley Ski Club's Staff Christmas Party! I was neat to see some new and some familiar faces. Here are a few of my favourite's from the evening…

Why is the young guy holding up a package of Sharpies you may be asking yourself? He was saying that I must go through a lot of them and he hoped that I got a deal on them. I said, "Well, I just get them from Staples." we got the idea that I should mention Sharpies in every blog post I do and eventually they may take notice and send some my way for free or give me a good deal on them. Well, I do buy them at Costco too but I don't think Costco sells the big ones that I also use. Here's another night of using my Sharpies!

The group caricature of the two couples was a blast to do. Actually, my favourite part was at the end when I showed them and the blonde guy wearing the toque was the only one who hadn't looked at it at all through the process and he had a great laugh when he saw it.

So here's to another great night with the Snow Valley crew and here's to my son and his buddies having lots of fun on the hill at Snow Valley till the end of the ski season. It really is a great atmosphere for your kids to spend a day in.

caricatures by Canadian Artist Laurel Hawkswell