Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

FACE PAINTING at company picnic and birthday party.


On the weekend I was at two events, a company picnic and a birthday party. 

This girl’s face looks pretty cool even if I do say so myself! It’s a bit freaky how her nose kind of disappears amongst the blue and white dots. Have you noticed yet that I love swirls and white dots! Can you tell that I had a blast doing it?! 

This girl’s arm was fun. She said, “Surprise Me” and so I asked her what kind of things she likes. Yup, she likes dogs. She was really happy with it and so was I. I have it written right on my face painting sign, that if they don’t want to pick from one of the image choices on my board that they can just say, “Surprise Me”. I try and do something different each time. I’ve discovered some new, fun stuff that way and gives my imagination a workout.