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Edmonton's Snow Valley Staff BBQ and Annual Tent Sale


Edmonton's Snow Valley Ski Club Edmonton's Snow Valley Ski Club had a staff party this past weekend and even though it’s still August, there was lots of exciting talk around me about snow and skiing/snowboarding. I tried not to listen since I’m rather enjoying our warm days while we have them, thank you very much! … But I didn’t hold it against them and had another enjoyable evening drawing and chatting with staff and their families. My son is also excited about the upcoming ski season at Snow Valley. He happened to pick himself up a new ski jacket at Snow Valley’s Annual Tent Sale earlier in the day while I drew some of the shoppers. drew a really adorable three year old boy who had recently met some of the Edmonton Oilers. He told me that his favourite player is “YAKUPOV!” …. His mom said he’s his favourite because he likes saying, “YAKUPOV!” Of course I had to draw him wearing an Oilers jersey
Snow Valley Caricature
I have to admit, and other caricaturists may agree with me here, that sometimes we caricaturists are something like bartenders. We chat with people and we lend an ear. There’s something quite personal about staring at every feature on someone’s face that at times, brings out all sorts of personal stories. These things are just part of what makes doing caricatures so enjoyable for me and sometimes quite special. I had one of those kind of conversations today. Sorry to not blog the details.... Gonna have to leave it at that.

Edmonton Artist
Laurel Hawkswell