Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Fun with a Freak Spring Snowstorm (what were the neighbours thinking??)


A friend said that after shoveling the heavy, wet snow we just got blasted with, she should have just rolled it instead. 

I thought that was a brilliant idea so that’s what I did ....

I know that because I’m an artist, the level of “artistic pizzaz” in these snowmen really fail but I couldn’t help it, by the time I was done, I was exhausted! When I was done I did try and shovel some of it but it was crazy heavy and left it. I was glad I’d rolled it instead. And besides, I had way more fun! Who cares if I’m not a kid anymore and who cares if my neighbours looked out their windows and thought I was nuts. 

Even though it was fun to do, I hope them melt and melt fast! Come on, it’s spring. Jeesh!

Snowmen with artistic pizzaz?

Even though it was fun to do, I hope them melt and melt fast!