Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Here is my latest thought....


So I’m trying to find my way in this big ol’ web world, wanting to encorporate my optimistic (mostly) views and my art.  I’ve given myself permission to doodle a bit on topics that I can put into “The Obnoxious Optimist”.  The name may change
in the future but the idea will stay the same.

Here is my latest thought....

Hey, don’t ya just love my glasses! I do anyway.  My husband informed me that they are the same glasses that “Ugly Betty” wears/wore on the show.  Should I take that as a compliment?  Well, I wasn’t deterred from my intense love of my glasses anyway so I’ll take it as a compliment.... of sorts.  I love that I can change the sides.  I have three Interchangeable Temples
 to wear a different colour as my mood hits me (does one's glasses really have to match the their outfit?)

don’t ya just love my glasses!
These Glasses were bought at The Occulist at West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton Alberta (follow the Occulist on Facebook)  

My glasses were designed/imported from Denmark's Prodesign (mine were designed by  Freelance Designer Gail Spence)

Edmonton Artist - Laurel Hawkswell