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Caricatures at an Edmonton Wedding Shower: Artist Laurel

Met a great group of ladies at wedding shower. People commented on how having caricatures was such a good idea. The hostess told me that she wasn’t into the usual shower games so caricatures was something different. And the ladies got to bring take something home with them too! That’s always a nice bonus!

Believe it or not, I like drawing twins. It gives me a chance to challenge myself to “Spot The Difference”. And there’s always a difference, even if it’s in the way one twin carries themselves. I’m proud to say that I spotted the difference in these twins. They were impressed!

Edmonton Artist
Caricatures at a Wedding Shower

Edmonton Artist
Caricatures at a Wedding Shower

Edmonton caricature
Caricatures at a Wedding Shower

Edmonton caricature
Caricatures at a Wedding Shower

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Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell