Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Caricatures at City Hall Plaza for FCM in Edmonton

I drew caricatures in the front of City Hall for the Mayor’s Reception for the FCM Conference (Federation of Canadian Municipalities). It is an annual event held in different locations in Canada and the largest Canadian gathering of elected municipal leaders. I was really proud of my city, Edmonton, and the nice reception put on by the organizers. Danny Hooper and his band played and sang. It seemed very fitting because Danny Hooper is an Edmonton institution! Food, drink and caricature artists. It was a really interesting night meeting people from all over the country. New Brunswick, Toronto, Nunavut and my personal favourites … my aunt and uncle! My uncle is a Councillor in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.

It was perhaps my most successful line of people waiting in the respect that I could hear people talking to each other. Introducing themselves and asking where the other person was from. I think I should put a “Talk To Each Other” rule in all my future line ups! People didn’t mind waiting because they were having good conversations.

edmonton artists
My Uncle at the FCM 2015 in Edmonton