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Caricature gifts at Wedding: Edmonton Artist Laurel

I think I’ll always remember this wedding reception! Why? Well the bride hired me a year and a half in advance but I realize it. So I went to this community hall last May. No one was there. “It’s for May 31, 2015!” At least I was early and not late. So when I pulled up to the same community league building this time I got a big smile on my face … “Oh it’s THAT wedding reception!” In a good mood right off the bat.

Here are some of the fun people I met and drew that night. I had drawn the two lovely ladies in one of these photos a few years ago at Millcreek Outdoor Pool’s summer opening event. One of them is the bride’s aunt and told her about me. How nice! I recognized them both right away because of two things: they were together like they were when I drew them at the pool AND they are crazy awesome with bigger than life smiles and a love life attitude. How could you not remember that?!

The couple in the photos with the guy wearing the striped tie said they are getting married in Brazil and asked if I’d go there to draw for their wedding. Wouldn’t that be a fantastic thing to be able to do! Maybe I should check that lotto ticket - holidaying in Brazil and pop in to draw at their wedding reception.

Edmonton caricatures
Couple Caricature at a Wedding

Edmonton Artists caricatures
Caricatures at a Wedding

Edmonton Artists
Caricatures at a Wedding

Edmonton caricatures
Caricatures at an Edmonton Wedding

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