Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Caricatures at Snow Valley's Staff Christmas Party in January

I believe it was my 4th time back drawing caricatures at Snow Valley’s Staff Christmas Party! Feeling a bit like home when I go to a Snow Valley function! And always thankful when they invite me back. It’s always a treat for me to do it in January instead of the craziness of before Christmas. I think it’s great for people to have something like a party to look forward to once January hits. I got to draw some new and familiar faces. Someone I may have drawn before along side their new friend or boyfriend/girlfriend.

Remember to head to Snow Valley to get some skiing in. Such a great thing to have, handy to get to in the middle of Edmonton. It’s always been easy for us to drop our teenage son and his friends off for a day of skiing. A safe, family oriented place for all to enjoy.

Edmonton artists
Snow Valley’s Staff Christmas Party

Edmonton Caricatures
Snow Valley’s Staff Christmas Party

Edmonton Caricatures
Snow Valley’s Staff Christmas Party

Edmonton Caricatures
Snow Valley’s Staff Christmas Party

Edmonton artists
Snow Valley’s Staff Christmas Party

Edmonton Caricatures
Snow Valley’s Staff Christmas Party

Edmonton Caricatures
Snow Valley’s Staff Christmas Party

Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell