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Christmas Window Painting at Western GMC Edmonton

I am always welcomed by friendly faces at Western GMC. I’ve painted their windows for a few years and I feel right at home when I go there. I’ll be doing more images for them but here are a couple I finished this evening. These windows are about 9 or 10 feet high so this is one great big Santa!

I seem to always gravitate to one theme each year as I do all my Christmas window painting and I think that this year it’s TOQUES! A toque is a winter hat for those of you who don’t know this very Canadian word. It is pronounced: “Two - k” I wonder what kind of TOQUE fun I can get into over the next few days while I finish up some Christmas window painting!

Edmonton Window painting
Western GMC Snowman in a Toque

Edmonton window painting
Western GMC Santa in a Toque

Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell