Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Caricatures at the INTUIT Kid's Christmas Party Edmonton

This little girl was so super cute. She gave me about six different smiles to choose from!I loved her little sweater dress as you can see in the drawing. Another one of my favourite things: her hair style. I love drawing that crisp cut.

It was a day of drawing entire families. I don’t have any photos though because one family member would sit down for me while the rest of them were off getting their face painted, or a balloon animal made, or eating and then once I was done drawing that person, the member of the family would come over and the one sitting in my chair would head off to do the other activities too. Gathering a whole family up for a photo seemed like too much to ask. But I’m happy to have this little gem of a photo to show you ….

Edmonton Artists
Caricatures at the INTUIT Kid's Christmas Party Edmonton

Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell