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Caricatures at Stantec for MS Fundraiser

I drew caricatures yesterday for Stantec Architecture in downtown Edmonton. They were doing an MS Fundraiser. A very windy day kept me inside and cozy in the lobby. I met a lot of nice people and was happy to be a part of this very worthy cause.

I need to apologise to this lovely lady with the curly blonde hair. She asked me to check the photo because she said she often ends up taking photos with her eyes closed. I swear it looked like her eyes were open! I swear! Either way, she’s still a beauty.

Woman with her caricature at Stantec Edmonton

I drew a few groups of three. They were colleagues that were obviously friends as well. So great to see, people who enjoy their time at work so much! And I definitely enjoyed my time at Stantec.

Group photo at Stantec MS Fundraiser

Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell