Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Pondering Change, Tulip Painting

TULIP PAINTING FOR SALE - has changed a bit.

Sometimes paintings have a bit of an evolution. This painting started out from a photo I’d taken of white and pink tulips. I got the green leaves painted first and then once I added the pink, the pink felt wrong. The leaves had overpowered the whole painting. Then I started adding more colour to the tulips. Recently I thought it was done and had posted a photo of it. But as it hung in my dining room, there didn’t seem to be quite enough depth in the tulips. I finally feel that it’s done. When I took it from my dining room and set it on my mantel to take this photo, I stood back and was amazed at the power of the colour!

 If you’re interested in this celebration of colour for your home or office, send me a message and we’ll chat.

Painting of pink tulips

Closeup of painting

Flower painting for sale in Edmonton
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