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Caricatures at Edmonton Pop Culture Fair

Good times once again at the Edmonton Pop Culture Fair! 

Here is a caricature from the day. I really should have taken more photos. Drat! And one other photo I took of a couple cute little kids I’d drawn, turned out completely blurry. I should have checked it! Double drat!

I saw a few people who came back again from last year’s show to see me again and get another caricature. Drew a couple friends who stopped to say hi. And of course, met some new, great people. I haven’t mentioned this lately but when you think that our society is totally crummy, all you have to do is set up a couple chairs and your easel and draw some people … and I guarantee that you’ll meet some great people.

Edmonton guy holds his Caricature at the Pop Culture fair

Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell