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Caricatures at Homes By Avi Show Homes

My first caricature job for Homes By Avi and it was such a pleasant day of drawing young couples and families. I was set up in the very modern, open living room that was a pleasure to draw in because of all the windows that gave such great natural light.  the Showhome in Chappelle Gardens was easy to find - which was nice too.

I got there early enough that I was able to take a quick look around the show home before people started arriving. Loved their layout design and the way they decorated it.

Once people started arriving, I was busy till it was time to go. I drew one family who have been in Canada for 5 years, from Mexico. I asked the mom how she liked the Edmonton winters and to my surprise, she said she liked it when it snows. I said that I've lived here my whole life and I still don't like winter! It was nice that they were able to head home with a caricature of their whole family.

I even drew a few of the staff and caterers! What a great group!

Hopefully I will be asked back, to draw Caricatures at another Homes By Avi event!   If you have an event contact me I'd be happy to add an artistic touch to your event (wedding, open house, Corporate event, family gathering , picnic...)

Couple with their Caricature at Homes by Avi Showhome

a girls holds her caricature while her parents visit a home by Avi show home

 Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell