Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Quite the work day

Quite the work day I had Thursday: Started off the day at Corus Entertainment till about 4 p.m. then went to the Microsoft Store in West Edmonton Mall and drew caricatures 6 - 9 p.m. I drew some ladies that worked in the mall, families visiting from out of town, couples going to a movie, and some nice young boys who are new to Canada! They boys have been in Canada for 3 months from Argentina. When I asked one of the boys if he liked Canada, instantly he got a smile on his face and said, "OH YES!" It's so nice to hear that he's enjoying his new home! (and it was -20 something outside too!)

My day wasn't finished at that point, oh no.... I dropped my caricature supplies off at home, spent an hour or so chatting with my family and then headed over to finish up at one of the Tim Hortons I had been painting at the night before. Now the 10221-170 Street Tim Hortons is all Laurel'd - Up - Christmas - Style! I think I finished at about 3 a.m. and left with muffins in hand as a nice surprise breakfast treat for my family. Oh, let me clarify that a little ... I just found out that my 17 year old son ate them all. Someone in the house enjoyed them anyway!

yes, when you're self employed you're your own Boss

Christmas Santa Window Painting at Corus Radio office Edmonton

Cute little Girl with her caricature at Microsoft Store WEM

Santa enjoys his doughnut at Tim Hortons
Caricatures and  Window Painting by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell