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Window Painting at Westworld Computers for the 2013 Christmas season

I was back at Westworld Computers Edmonton again to paint their windows for Christmas. I think this might be my 5th or 6th year Window painting for them! Each time I try and put a slightly different twist on the design. I’d like to think that I don’t paint the exact same thing - at least I try not to!

While I was painting today one of the sales managers joked that after I leave he was going to sign his name to all of the windows and take all the credit. And he dared me to make “a bad Santa”. Oh I can’t do a bad Santa, that’s just not me … and Santa is too awesome.

I was happy with them. I think this little Elf, his smile looks a bit like a cheshire cat!
Christmas Elf 

The Santa brings a smile to my face. Santa usually does! I love the rollie pollie the snowman is. I generally have a bit of a hard time drawing reindeer but I like the big, quirky smile on this reindeer.

Go in and see the friendly staff at Westworld.


Edmonton Westworld Christmas window painting

Westworld Computers Snowman with iPad for Christmas

Edmonton Westworld Christmas window art

Edmonton Westworld Computer Mrs Claus with MacBook Air for her Christmas gift
 Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell