Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

More Coloured Group Caricatures!

I delivered another group of coloured caricatures to happy recipients! I enjoyed drawing and colouring these. Some of the caricatures were live - in other words, I went to their company and drew half the employees and then the others who weren't available that day had photos emailed to me. A little twist, or addition to my usual background … I added a few swooshes of green to the blue background and I think it turned out kinda cool! 

Yes, I'm still doing coloured caricatures by hand, which means continuously purchasing coloured markers. Part of me wants to jump into the tablet world and add colour that way and print out the coloured version but then part of me enjoys the look of these caricatures where you can see the swoosh of the colours here in and there. Almost like seeing a paint brush stroke. I'm torn between the two worlds. Anyone out there have an opinion to my dilemma?

Caricatures for Edmonton Company
Group Caricature