Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Caricatures at a Children's Company Christmas Party

I drew some pretty awesome kids today at a company Christmas party at Egge’s Barn at Fort Edmonton. Here are just a few. This was my first Christmas party of the 2013 season. It’s gonna be quite the ride till I get to Christmas. Look for lots of examples of my work throughout the season on my blog.

Oh, and on a different note, I was walking to my vehicle and couldn’t get over how beautiful it was outside. The recent snow has made the scenery absolutely gorgeous down at Fort Edmonton and along the river valley. Ya, we have to deal with the snowy roads but on a bright, sunny day … it’s a post card out there folks!

young man with his caricature

Caricature at corporate Christmas party

young woman with her caricature

Caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell