Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Caricatures at the Good Samaritan Corporate Office

Drawing caricatures at the Good Samaritan Corporate Office and I had too much fun to just post one example from the morning!
I was trying out a new drawing set up so I was a bit nervous for the first few minutes. I've been using a drawing table that always felt a bit too low and the drawing board area itself not quite big enough. I felt that I was getting too much neck pain afterwards from looking up and down a lot. I'm hoping that my new easel will be the charm! So far so good!

Woman at Good Samaritan Edmonton with her caricature
Man at Good Samaritan Edmonton with his caricature
Woman at Good Samaritan Edmonton holds her caricature
Man at Good Samaritan Edmonton looks pleased with his caricature
Woman at Good Samaritan Edmonton with her caricature
Edmonton artist caricatures by Laurel Hawkswell