Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

A Busy Weekend

I drew caricatures at Pineridge Golf Course Clubhouse a few days ago and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Lots of great couples, one couple who was getting married the next day there at the club house and another that were celebrating their 38th Wedding Anniversary that night. Glad I could give them a little something extra to mark the day/weekend! Unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures. I sure wish I had. 

Today I face painted at Ol' MacDonalds Resort, Alberta. Again, forgot to take any pictures. I don't know where my blog brain was?! I painted for Elite Integrity Services at their weekend company camp out. They had a Jumpy Thing, a Balloon Artist and myself face painting. 

Then back into Edmonton to draw caricatures at a wedding reception on the North side! Here are a few photos from the evening. My favourite moment, the big bear hug type huge I got from the bride's mom! Talk about feeling appreciated!

Today, bring on Snow Valley's Annual Tent Sale! I'll be there 12 - 4PM drawing caricatures.  $5 for a caricature and the proceeds go to the Edmonton Humane Society.

Bride and Groom Caricature at their wedding reception
Woman enjoys her caricature 
wedding guest with her caricature 
Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell