Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

A Holiday can Inspire you

I recently took my daughter to New York. A place she's wanted to go for a few years now. I'd been there when I was
19 and I think it's pretty cool that she is the same age when she got to go. Now I have to admit that I was really looking forward to not having to do any work for 9 whole days. And for me, no work means, no artwork. But once an artist always an artist because what was my favourite thing to do in New York besides simply seeing everything that is New York? It was having the privilege to see famous, jaw dropping masterpieces  I found myself overwhelmed with emotion at times wanting to stand in front of each one of them for hours. But of course, time didn't permit that. I mean look at this photo. I was able to see a famous Van Gogh. VAN GOGH! And not just one famous Van Gogh but a few of his mega famous ones: Sunflowers, A Starry Night. Oh my gosh! So what did I walk away with after my days in the museums and art galleries, besides sore feet? Two things. I deep yearning to come back and paint. And an epiphany of sorts: a reassurance that people STILL love and appreciate art. Art that was done by hand, by a painter's brush. Art is alive and well. The Met and MOMA were packed and that's a testament to the draw that art has in this world. I really hope I can find some time to paint, just for the simple joy of painting. Wish me luck with that!

unique buildings and their fire escapes
 My trip to New York was worth it. It was SO worth it!

I also found myself drawn to the unique buildings and their fire escapes. Some of them were truly beautiful and a piece of art too.

jaw dropping masterpieces