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Valentine's Day caricatures at The Muttart

I had a great time tonight drawing caricatures at the Muttart! I was set up in the Feature pyramid which was decorated up for Chinese New Year. A beautiful spot! It played tricks with my eyes a bit though
because the lights kept rotating through different colours. Some colours worked well to see the people I was drawing. Other's, not so much! But I survived. Next time, if I'm fortunate enough to be asked back, I would bring one more light of my own. But that's just a little detail - I guess it kept me on my toes!

It being Valentine's Day, it was a night where it was totally fitting to ask people some questions while I was drawing them. Questions like, "How did you two meet?" and "How long have you been together?"

One lady recognised my self portrait cartoon that was on my sign from Facebook. Her friend is also my friend. So we thought it'd be neat for her to say, "Hey Lisa, look what I got last night!"

Another woman introduced herself to me as someone I've done some caricature work for in the past but have only corresponded with through emails. Too bad I was too busy to really chat with her.

Looking forward to bringing my Grandma to the Muttart soon. An afternoon of strolling the pyramids and a nice lunch in their cafe!

caricatures by Edmonton Artist Laurel Hawkswell