Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Caricatures at The Ranch

I drew caricatures at The Ranch on Family Day for the staff Christmas Party for several Edmonton bars.

Here is one caricature of a couple girls.

Staff at The Ranch

There were a couple girls who came to say hello to me and they were impressed that I recognised them
from drawing them a couple years ago! I tell ya, once I draw you, I pretty much have your face ingrained in my head for a long time!

I was pleasantly surprised that they played some retro music that I knew well and throughout the night
the music wasn't half as loud as I thought it'd be. I survived well!

I was really impressed how people were respectful of my sign saying when I was done. That was a first. Like I said, I was impressed and shocked! A big thank you to them all!

I would love to draw for them again next year.