Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

Wedding Reception Caricatures

As the bride said to me on Saturday night while I drew her caricature, “We thought caricatures were such a great idea because people are giving us things but we wanted to give them something back!” 

Capturing special moments is something alright and as you can see, people of all ages enjoy getting their caricature done. Caricatures at weddings a great addition because not everyone likes to dance or dance the whole time. 

Such interesting people stories I get to find out as I chat with the people sitting in front of me. “I’m the mother of the bride...”, “You know, she just recently found her birth parent recently and she is here meeting the rest of the family for the first time...” People are truly interesting. I should figure out some sort of scientific study to go along with my caricature events. I should approach the government for a grant for this study! Hmmmmmm .... !