Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

drawing caricatures at the MS Society of Canada BBQ

    This week I had the privilege of being invited back to draw caricatures at the MS Society of Canada [Edmonton and Capital Region Chapter] Annual Summer Barbecue (Celebration in the Park) for their client's at Hawrelak Park.  I always see it as a privilege and a compliment to be asked back year after year.  It was a warm night and great to see and draw some familiar people.  It is my hope that one day I won't be invited back to a MS Society picnic because a cure has been found and there'll be no need for such a society.  Till then, I will gladly be a part of their annual picnic...

    That evening I drew a couple girls who are here in Canada on a work visa from Japan.  How cool is that?!  Such interesting stories I come upon when I'm doing caricatures.  So glad I could give them a momento of their time in Canada.  They were so nice, wanting me to pose for a photo with them and their caricatures.

Japanese girls caricature

    I also drew a group of ladies that went by the name of "The Swizzle Sisters", not sisters, just comrads.  I'm not sure what The Swizzle Sisters do exactly.  Could this possibly be something similar to "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"!?

    Another caricature at the BBQ, I remember doing was a gentleman that right at the end, several ladies said, "Please do his, please do his ..."  I have to admit he was a handsome man with a great smile, great features to draw and he was nice to boot!  Found out afterwards that he was the boss.  Good thing I didn't know that ahead of time, I would have been too nervous.  I was tickled pink that the caricature turned out pretty awesome.  There's almost nothing better than hitting a caricature right on the mark, at least in my world anyway.  After an event is over, I often wish that I had a photo of every caricature that has made me smile that day.  If you're ever around watching me do caricatures, you'll see that I often smile during the caricature,  that's me thinking to myself, "Oh I love this one! It's so them! YESSSSSSS!"