Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

promotional photo for VIA Rail's ARTISTS ON RAILS trip to Jasper

  I can't believe that more than 10,000 people have viewed this promotional photo!  That's absolutely wild!  Or maybe it's just my mom looking at it a lot (HA!)?

  I took this photo as a photo for VIA Rail's ARTISTS ON RAILS trip I was going from Edmonton to Jasper.  It was pretty cool, riding the train and doing caricatures for passengers then spending a day drawing in a hotel lobby in Jasper.  Then again, drawing on the train back to Edmonton.  The biggest challenge was the slight movement of the train when drawing but I managed to do it.

  Back to the amount of people who has looked at this photo - thank you for taking a moment to look at it, wherever you are!  Laurel Hawkswell

Edmonton Artist Promotional Photo
Edmonton Artist