Laurel - Edmonton Artist - Pages

thank-you Teresa - Rogue Fitness you're so accommodating and awesome

   The great thing about being an artist is that when you want to give someone a little Thank You, all you have to do is pick up your Sharpie.  Well .... it's actually a little bit harder than that because realistically, you need to find the time to do it first!  That's just a small detail.  Anyway, so I wanted to thank Teresa at Rogue Fitness (in Edmonton) for being so accommodating and awesome.  One week my daughter forgot her runners and Teresa found her a pair to borrow.  Then the next week I forgot my runners and she found me some too.  She has squeezed us into a class that was already technically full.  If you're looking for a facility that isn't too big but isn't too small, Rogue Fitness is just right.  You'll feel welcome instantly.  We did.

   But back to the caricature .... Teresa was surprised, she thought I was a teacher for some reason!?  Nope, I draw, paint, cut, imagine, sit deep in thought (trying to come up with a cool new idea for a logo or whatever), type, talk, click, draw, paint and draw some more... That pretty much covers it.  Oh, and thank you for check'n out my blog

thank-you Teresa - Rogue Fitness 

Rogue Fitness

Edmonton Artist